Watch the Animations > Please share your thoughts with us…Your feedback is vital to help us gain insight into how the animations effect viewers and to use this understanding in the future. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this short survey. Have the animations helped you to better understand what it might feel like to be a victim of domestic violence and abuse? Yes No Following on from the question above, please explain in a few words… Can you tell us how the animations made you feel? What were the most valuable aspects of the animations for you? Who do you feel could benefit from seeing these animations? What might we do to further awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse in the future? How do you feel these animations would be best shared with more viewers? How did you see these animations? Ie. Your organisation shared it with you, social media, exhibition, word of mouth Anything else you'd like to say? Please tell us if you'd like to collaborate on a project together, we'd love to hear about it! Name (Optional) First Name Last Name Email (Optional) We will email you with updates about the official launch when the details are confirmed. Thank you, we will be in touch soon! About the Project Meet Our Team View Animations We’d love you to join us!Sign up to hear about more about the project and be invited to any future events. Name (optional) First Name Last Name Email * Thank you for registering your interest in the project!We will email you with updates soon.